Excellence in executive coaching

Personal, compassionate coaching - a different way of thinking, that delivers results.

Excellence in executive coaching

Personal, compassionate coaching - a different way of thinking, that delivers results.

“I believe that every coaching journey is unique. Each of us grapples with balancing demanding work and personal lives. At its best, coaching expertly supports us through this fast-paced, winding and challenging journey. Although the topics and decisions vary greatly, these areas are the ones that most often need attention in my coaching conversations.”

Areas of focus

Career Progression

Career change, promotion, a big new role

Building resilience

Recovering from burnout, wellness, balance


Managing relationships

Relationship building, managing conflict

Personal impact

Time, energy, perspective, leadership

Winning work

Selling, pitching, pricing, negotiating

Building Businesses

Strategy, culture, talent, teamwork

What is executive coaching?

No coaching journey is the same. Each client may need a tailored, bespoke approach. Having said that, we have set out below the basics of the executive coaching process. 

We start at Discovery, where we meet, see how we fit and agree on intentions, to the Coaching meetings and support and through to Evaluation, where we test the progress we are making together. 

The first step is to meet one another, with a short call or meeting, generally about 30 minutes so that we can get a sense of how good our “fit” is. There is no charge for this introductory session. If we both agree that it feels right, we will move on to a discovery session.

We generally spend 2 hours together, away from the office. We might start with a casual breakfast. Together, we will create a safe environment to go deeper on who you are and your coaching goals. We will agree on how it’s best for us to work together, and to move on to the next stage.

The coaching process is about facilitating your learning, performance, development, and well-being, whilst also increasing your self-awareness, collaboratively thinking through the reality of the situation, seeking options to address the challenges, and acting.

Each coaching block involves six to twelve one-hour meetings and intra-meeting support, bookended by Discovery and Evaluation over the course of 3-6 months. The process may involve 360 feedback and promotes self-development to discover solutions and drive sustainable change!

The evaluation stage is about looking carefully at the impact the coaching is delivering. In reality, the evaluation stage is also embedded into the coaching itself. We test how successful we are being, too see if the challenges are being overcome? Are the opportunities being realised? Are you growing?

As we evaluate our progress together we will then take another look at your goals. We might need to change your proposed solutions. You recommit to delivering action that has an impact and solves the challenges at hand.

David Tapnack

Why Me?

Over the last ten years, I have supported people through their most important challenges. They were promoted, built businesses, clarified their personal or organisational purpose, navigated through challenging circumstances, got the job they wanted, pitched more successfully, delivered major change, built stronger relationships, aligned on strategy, resolved conflict, built teams, and built a better culture.

I draw on what I have learned during defining my own life experiences: Being a senior PwC Partner, coaching others to realise their career goals, building a tech start-up into a successful business, advising on hundreds of deals, building personal resilience, helping to drive PwCs operational and commercial excellence, leading on the people and talent agenda for our largest business unit and helping clients to drive their value creation agendas.

And, drawing on learnings from many inspirational people: CEOs, communal leaders, investors, senior doctors, senior managers, great sportspeople, board members, and other Partners.

Compassionate. Thinks differently.
Delivers Results.

Client Comments

"An outstanding coach."

"Your integrity is second to none."

"You have given me the space to learn, grow, make mistakes."

"You are exceptionally quick and intelligent."

"Your breadth and depth of knowledge is amazing."

"Motivated me to push the limits on how much I can learn and apply."

"You are awesome: often demanding, and sometimes challenging, but always kind."

A more personal view

Given you have got this far through the site, I thought I might now share a few of my signature life-facts that might help you to get a better picture of who I am.

I am married to Corinne, a magistrate, and we have 4 grown-up children. I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa. I emigrated with my parents, brother and sister at the age of 10 to move to London. I love sport; I swam nationally, played county squash and club football and cricket. I still try to make sure I train at least 5 times a week

I didn’t make my Cambridge offer! I studied Economics at LSE and qualified as an ACA at PwC. I made it up to Partner quickly … and four years into a commercially successful start to partnership, I suffered from a painful burnout. Sometimes, the life’s most painful moments deliver the biggest transformation. And this is certainly true for me.

My psychological development, my deep meditation practice, my curiosity about the human mind and body has opened up many new dimensions to my life. I have (begun to) understand compassion, creativity and inner calm. I better understand how to deal with a noisy mind or with fear when it arises.

My career, although always at PwC, has been varied. During my many years as a partner, I have helped run different parts of our business; I founded and grew our private equity analytics practice, I served as a business unit COO, as Talent leader for our largest business unit, and as our Firm’s Head of commercial excellence. I have advised clients on deals, performance improvement, technology and data. 

I am at my happiest when I am coaching people; helping people to grapple with complex problems, understand themselves better, and grow. And what is my coaching USP? I think differently. I am compassionate. I deliver results.

If you think I might be the right person to help you, please get in touch directly at david@dtadvisory.co. I look forward to meeting you!